Monday, March 15, 2010

Q&A: Carey from Corks and Caftans

Corks and Caftans isn’t just a fashion blog or a wine blog, but a humorous and personal glimpse into the lives of Carey and Rob, an undeniably cool, wine-loving couple living in Saratoga. Rob writes about his love of wine, while Carey indulges readers with her incredible style inspirations. With gorgeous photography, eclectic fashion shoots, wine reviews, and regular doses of wit, Corks and Caftans gets daily (or several times daily) views from me after I saw it included on Shopbop’s Favorite Blogger feature (read it here).

When I asked Carey to answer some questions, I have to admit I was a little intimidated; after all, I have only been stalking Carey and Rob’s blog for several months now all the while trying to come up with ways to trick her into being my friend. My fears were put to rest when Carey graciously agreed to share some of her fashion (would you wear it to a “bum bar”?) and blogging (write everyday) secrets with me. Of course, after I hit “send” I thought of about fifty better questions I could have asked, but nevertheless I was so thrilled to read her answers and share them with you all. Turns out, she is just as cool as Corks and Caftans suggests. Thanks, Carey!

[Some of my favorite looks. All images courtesy of Corks and Caftans.]

You have such a great writing style. Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Out of the womb! I wrote in every free minute I had as a kid: short stories, movie scripts, business models for tropical resorts, letters to Huey Lewis begging him to marry me… you name it. And I’ve never stopped, even when people weren’t willing to pay me to do what I knew I was good at—and copyedited to pay the bills. Cue barf sound effects. But once you find that well of authenticity inside yourself, your style follows suit. You can only hope someone else will think it’s “good.” :)

Do you write every day or only when something inspires you?

Every day. No matter what. I delete a lot of what I write, because you have to work to hit that stride. Blogging is a strange thing, though—like a journal—and you have to be thinking, “Wait, that’s great blog content!” I write how I talk, so if something happens in conversation with Rob that makes me laugh, boom—I’ve got a post. The pictures and fashion are just an excuse for me to tell a bigger story.

Name three things that inspire you.

Laurel Canyon. Paris. James Bond.

Has Corks and Caftans changed at all since it has garnered such a large readership?

Funny you should ask! I just went through archives the other day and was *dying* at some of the stuff we bothered to put in C+C in the early days. I attribute this to having next-to-no readership and… trepidation. We were finding our voices. Our niche. Whereas Rob has had a more steady course, I’ve gone all over the map because I was influenced by a zillion other girls trying to do just the same thing. I think it was finding the confidence to be myself in a very cluttered field: there are lots of bloggers, and you have to stand out—but effortlessly so. We are 100% authentic Rob and Carey now, and it’s dictated why we post and what we post about. One silly post about Eli may not be marketable on a larger scale, but it has its place in our story. When you have readers, you have to trust they are here for you, not to see you imitate someone else. Now, rather than post what we think will get more readers, we post to support our “brand” as a whole. Dammit, I used the “b” word!

You often mix luxe pieces with less expensive items; what other secrets do you have to looking so effortlessly cool?

Maybe it’s my shyness—I like to be approachable and not scare people off. (Ha.) But I do have a couple of rules; I’ll only bore you with one: the Bum Bar rule. I grew up spending my weekends in the Florida Keys, fishing with my family. No matter how much I come to love expensive wine or visit fabulous cities, my heart is in the deep-fried seafood joints of the Keys I used to call “bum bars.” Unless I’m going out for cocktails, I have to be wearing something I’d be happy wearing into one of those joints. This keeps my look grounded, keeps me from trying too hard, and most importantly: keeps me from showing too much skin. Have you ever had a salty sailor stare you down over a basket of grouper fingers? Not fun.

The photographs always catch you at your most chic—would I ever run into you in sweats?

Oh dude… are you asking if I slum? I am the Queen of slumming! (To answer your question, though, I’ve only had one pair of sweats and the one time they were worn was when a friend spilled wine on her jeans and needed something to wear home.) I have the best nasty go-tos—I’m from the beach!—but mine just happen to be a pair of army green, bleach-stained, paint-splattered cargo shorts. They’ve been in numerous countries and inclement weather, served as office wear, seen great days and horrible moments—and I’ll never throw them away. They are my signature. {ah! I totally wore them in a post!}

This is a generalization, but most men seem to be oblivious to fashion. What does Rob think about your style?

Rob eats it up! He’s always taken an active interest in my passions (and I in his) and it’s so rewarding for both of us. He gives great feedback and has a really good eye. Plus, I love to dress up for no good reason for him—it’s my favorite wifely duty :)

What is your favorite bottle of wine?

Seghesio’s Sangiovese (all vintages). When I first tried it I told Rob, “This is the wine I’d keep in my saddle bags.” It makes me feel like a cowboy—it’s bold, meaningful, and has a sense of place that gives it this rugged soul.

Your readers all know about your affinity for the The Black Crowes, but who is your second favorite band?

The Drive-By Truckers, baby. The most incredible, soulful lyrics and a hard-edged Southern rock sound that is inimitable. No one else comes close to creating that lived-in, unapologetic sound. Plus I feel like a total badass when I listen to them.

Besides caftans of course, what other piece will always be in your closet?

Shorts. I’m addicted, and I’m not picky—tailored chinos, beat cargos, tiny cut offs, or silky culottes—I’m a Florida girl, always and forever. When it’s hot and sticky, you can’t beat a great pair of shorts. I love that they’ve made a huge comeback in the last few years, but as long as my legs don’t offend the general public, I’ll be in them. Plus, they’re perfect for a bum bar. :)


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