Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Couple's Run Gone Bad...

Happy Hump Day all. How is your week going? Mine is going by pretty quickly – thank goodness.

I started yesterday off by skipping my morning run and opting to sleep in instead. I kn0w – I’m so lazy. But I really love my sleep.

For breakfast I had a 3-minute breakfast cookie and was impatient with letting it cool, so it fell apart a bit. Oops. Still yummy.

I grabbed a coffee on my way into work and snacked on a granola bar around 11:00 a.m.

For lunch I had a salad with romaine lettuce, carrots, cheddar cheese, walnuts, dried cranberries and chickpeas – with balsamic vinaigrette.

Late afternoon snack was…what else – Chobani yogurt with granola.

As the afternoon progressed the weather outside looked absolutely amazing. I texted Hubby to see if he might be game for an after-work run. He finally relented and said yes.

I flew home after work and got ready for our run. Hubby seemed a bit hesitant when I told him my plan was to run 4-5 miles. His first run of the season was on Monday night and he probably ran about 2.5 miles. He agreed to the distance, but only if we could take things slow.

Things started off okay – we ran about a 9 minute mile pace for the first two miles. However, as we got close to the end of the promenade around 115 Street there were some shady characters milling about and it made me uncomfortable. I told Hubby I’d like to pick up the pace a bit when we passed them on the way back.

Well, he had his headphones in and thought I was just saying I wanted to pick it up in general on the way back. So, as we turned around and passed those sketchy peeps I picked up the pace a bit. But then once we were past them, Hubby didn’t say anything about our speed, so I thought maybe he wanted to push things a bit longer.

Well…apparently he did not want to push things. We finished our run and he was not a happy camper. He had not intended to run that fast on his second run of the season and I think I pushed things a little too hard. I guess I’m so used to him zooming right by me when we run that I thought he is just always that speedy. I forgot that I usually don’t start running until the Spring (as does he) and generally have to take things easy at first and build up my endurance and speed.

Sorry I pushed you Hubby! :-( I hope you’re not too sore today. Here are our stats from the run: 

Mile 1 – 8:58

Mile 2 – 9:06

Mile 3 – 8:40

Mile 4 – 8:24

.36 – 3:03

Total mileage – 4.36 miles in 38.18

Do you run with your significant other? How do you balance your differing endurance levels and speed?

To be fair: Hubby has definitely pushed me on many, many runs in the past. They were all pre-Garmin, so I can’t tell you exactly how fast we were running. But, I clearly remember finishing the Central Park loop (6.1 miles) in about 50 minutes, which was a record for me at the time. And he was completely unphased and wondered why I was nearly hyperventilating. A taste of his own medicine perhaps?

After our run last night, I had to throw in the last load of laundry (that I avoided didn’t have time for this weekend) so dinner needed to be quick and easy. I made one of these fellas:

Mmmm ketchup and pickles – yum!

A little while later I was definitely in need of some dessert. I decided to get creative a  make a mini cookie. It had:

1/8 cup granola

1/4 cup oats

1/4 cup egg whites

1/8 cup of protein powder

1 packet of Truvia

Drizzle of agave

1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter

I nuked it in the microwave on high for 45 seconds and it was amazing!

It was a little sticky, but it was delicious and gave me that dessert taste that I needed. It probably had a few more calories than necessary, but oh well.

You’ve seen many a glass of wine on my blog, but here’s just a few more reasons why it’s usually my alcoholic drink of choice.

A few more reasons why I love wine… 

The Claim: A Glass of Wine With Dinner Aids Digestion - I love wine, so I’ll go with this one. Although I have no clue if the wine I pair with my food with actually aid in digestion, I think it best to at least give it a try. ;-)

Wine may help women keep weight in check - ok, I’m not sure how much weight (pun intended) I’d give this study, but again – It might be a good idea to conduct my own study to substantiate. :-)  

Have a good hump day all – I’m sad that I’ll be pounding away on the treadmill tonight – no running buddies around or willing (the consequence for pushing Hubby too hard last night). :-(


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